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I can't tell you how much my feet hurt. Standing all day long in the goddamn wet. In this stinking country. 

Me? I'm from Murnau. In the south. Bayern. I miss it, I tell you, the mountains are just a spit away, and the lake, Staffelsee is great to swim in all summer.

What might be defined as popular music was also heavily controlled by the state.  Goebbels also tried to ban ‘Lili Marlene’ but had to backtrack when German soldiers throughout Europe requested that it was played on Reich-controlled radio stations.

"What sort of game are you playing here, Fraulein? I am tempted to arrest you, if it wasn’t so clearly what you wanted!"

What? Am I good swimmer? Of course I am, The best! I'd show you the medals if I had them with me. I won all the local championships. Well... nearly all.
If that local arsehole from Oberammergau hadn't.... What? Yes. he was a Jew. As I said, an arsehole. Had all the girls all over him. Back then. 

No. Why would I go to Munich? A bunch of dumb intellectuals, artists and pansies. I don't why any of them were ever allowed to.... I'd bulldoze the goddamn University. 

Probst? No, I never met....  why would I have? I heard he was born in Murnau, but so were many traitors. If I was to get my hands on him and those other White Rose jerks, they'd be happy to be beheaded. 

"Go away fraulein. You have given us enough entertainment for one day. Off you go."

Lili Marleen - marlene dietrich
00:00 / 00:00

Freddy Schmitz

Age at the end of the war: 32
Nationality: German
Other Jobs: Blockführer of the women’s camp in Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen

I worked as a carpenter and when Germany moved into Austria during the Anschluss I fought with them in the army. Well it wasn't really a fight, was it!

I was conscripted to the S.S in 1942 and sent to Auschwitz to be a concentration camp guard.

I was Blockführer of the women’s camp guarding over 1000 female prisoners, and I later had a similar position at Theresienstadt.

(NB: Schmitz  was convicted of crimes against humanity and executed on 13th December 1945.)

"She’s a good looking woman, Willy"

Freddy is played by Jonathan Brown

Willy? He's is a child. I can drink him under the table, and if i tell him what's going on in the camp, and over at Auschwitz he goes very quiet.

Still, he likes to drink and he keeps me in tobacco, so he can't be all bad.

I just wish he wasn't so quiet! Still, it means I can talk all the more! Huh!?


What? No... he's never "had" a woman. Not like me. I'm going to take him into the town, one of these days, get him together with a whore I know.

No... she's not clean, but...hey... what do I care!? Ha-ha-ha!

Come back soon for lots more about the play, the characters, the background and the era.

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