A Good Jew
Red Cross Inspector

In June 1944 a representative of the Swiss Red Cross is asked to inspect Theresienstadt.

She gives Theresienstadt a clean bill of health and admits she would probably do so again today. She's also given a tour of Auschwitz, not realizing it's a death camp.
I was pleasantly surprised to find a Jewish City of almost normal life. The facilities there were excellent, with a fully functioning post office, bank, café, swimming pool, and many opportunities for the residents to take part in theatre, choirs and even jazz bands.
The childcare centres and hospitals provided good service and life there seemed almost idyllic. I did wonder that there didn’t seem to be as many people there as I had expected there to be, but my worries were allayed by the very accommodating Commandant in charge of the facility.
In hindsight…….
I have been working for the Red Cross for a number of years, and was given the assignment to visit Theresienstadt and report on the conditions of the Jewish people who had been relocated there.
The degree to which the Red Cross Inspector and others are manipulated by the Nazis and to what extent they are willing to be fooled because of their own politics and prejudices is a matter of question.